No Here, Here
A fifty state soil sampling site.
A soil for every state
There is no Here here was an entry to the Under the High Line competition put on in 2012.
No here here is a ground tasting menu. The other forty-nine state’s official soils are each suspended in a bag nine feet above the ground. The bags spill their contents, recomposing the site with the ground of the ‘other’ states. Together, the soils- transplanted, emigrated, relocated- take on the cosmopolitan life of New York.
Reciprocally, the site takes on the identity of each state’s soil. If the High Line was the penultimate act of ground-making, then THERE IS NO HERE, HERE is the reset button, reverting the city to its true conglomerate identity. What results is a geological tapestry of every place but here, here.
With time, the dirt, dust, rocks, stones, and soil will erode away from the site, reverting again to an urban blankness.
